How to achieve high stability of clock crystal oscillator operation
126 2023-04-19
Internal friction caused by wrong direction
Recently, I discussed with my friends "How can small enterprises like us manage teams well?"
I found that the discussion was all about "how to make employees obedient". If the management team tries to make employees more obedient every day, the result must be full of internal friction and loss of creativity. Because the post-95 and post-00 employees are creative, energetic and talented; They do not like oppression and control; They will resist, they will be unable to adapt, and they will feel no sense of happiness. What‘s worse, in a team that emphasizes obedience, managers will easily manage employees according to their likes and dislikes and emotions, rather than following a specific principle.
I have a great feeling about this: our office area is open and everyone works together. Because of Hua Xuanyang‘s "play to win" gene, even when discussing work, we are talking and laughing. When the performance is growing, I will think this is a good atmosphere, and I will encourage them to discuss. When the performance declines, I will think it is noisy, indecent and inattentive, and I will make them shut up
Why do you have different views on the same thing? Because I am emotional and manage employees according to my own likes and dislikes. I am so, and my management team is more likely to be so.
Management is just a tool to achieve goals. Its purpose is to give full play to the strengths of everyone (team members), make them progress, and solve bigger problems with them. Therefore, the focus of management is how to better understand the team and how to help them achieve fruitful results - enabling management is more effective than controlling management. So I put forward specific requirements for my management team:
The management team should inspire employees, understand and make good use of their strengths
Many employees often do not understand what their strengths are. The management team should inspire them to look for, find, and encourage them to try. Once they understand and make good use of it, their ability will improve rapidly. The greatest pleasure of their work is to use their strengths to do what they are good at and obtain rich results.
The management team should create an environment that is not afraid of mistakes
The reason why employees do not want to try new things, challenges and ideas is that managers have the habit of accountability, which seems logical on the surface. In fact, it will develop a conservative atmosphere, and fear that mistakes will cause employees to lose creativity completely. So I emphasized in the company that we should embrace mistakes, encourage every attempt, gradually eliminate fines and accountability for mistakes, carefully summarize mistakes and form the company‘s "Mistake Book", so that mistakes will become opportunities for promotion. Slowly, if employees are willing to try, there will be new possibilities.
The management team should set an example and develop the habit of continuous thinking - what can I contribute
In the process of constantly seeking answers, we will constantly find that there are more opportunities to prove our ability and value in our work. The management team leads the employees to work together to solve some problems. When they get a great sense of achievement, the employees will in turn promote the team‘s continuous progress... They will find that compared with the sense of achievement and continuous evolution, the high salary we seek is just icing on the cake.
The management team should encourage employees to make decisions independently
The management team should often ask themselves: If I know that employees are capable of making decisions on this matter, why not let them do it? If I don‘t believe him, why did I recruit him? If I and the employee are based on the same decision-making principles, will their decisions be closer to what I want? Can I make all the right decisions for the development of the company When we constantly think about these issues, we can attach importance to the growth of employees, become an enabling management team, and pay attention to, defend and constantly revise our ideas and principles. Only in this way can employees dare to make decisions, have the ability to make decisions, and make right decisions. At the same time, their talents will also be brought into full play.
When we try to do these things well, we will create a platform that conforms to our values and truly develops with employees, and employees will not disappoint us. They will break down the deep wells of the department, establish necessary communication, have a deeper understanding of each other‘s work in the team and the overall goals of the company, and continue to keep the evolution of individuals and teams, And therefore, we have won the success belonging to all of Hua Xuanyang